Re: A86: Re: Re: Update: Shell


Re: A86: Re: Re: Update: Shell

Trey Jazz wrote:

> storing it in the program always takes up less space than an OS
> variable and
> its easier to work with. also, you dont gotta worry about ppl messing
> around
> with your program data
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Atkinson <>
> To: <>
> Date: Thursday, March 05, 1998 10:26 AM
> Subject: A86: Re: Update: Shell
> >
> >I'm designing my own shell, not for any release (unless I mangae to
> do
> >something amazing) but for my own learning interests. My first
> question (of
> >many) is how should I store Variables I will need to use in my shell.
> I
> >can't obviously use the text memory as any program I shell will want
> and
> >probably averwrite that area.
> >
> >Is the only option available data segaments in my program?
> >ie:    .db    00h
> >        .dw    0000h     etc?
> >
> >Or is their someother method of storing variables i could use?]
> >
> >Much thanks in advance for anyon who helps with this query

First of all, I must aplogize for not posting the name.  I keep
forgetting to ask my co-author (he writes the simple stuff so I don't
have to--I get the hard work!).  I'll make a note of that on my infamous
palmtop.  About Rob's question.  My menu stores the data in the
TextShadow.  It will get erased when you exit the shell, either to the
OS or to another program, but scanning the vars takes very little time
(it IS a 6 mHz processor after all).  .DB and .DW are the only ways I
know to store internal data, but you can read external data too.  Look
at the PlainJump or SQRXZ (I recommend PJ).  Plain Jump is much shorter
than SQRXZ and was easier for me to figure out.  It also has a nice
scroller in the menu routine (my shell uses a modified version).  (BTW:
Great job with SQRXZ, Jimmy!)  Look for the routines that load the level
(PJ) or world (SQRXZ).  With those routines, you can have data stored in
a string and then read it from there.  I don't know how to save data in
a string (yet) but I'm sure someone else on this list does.  I hope this

