Re: A86: Re: sequences
Re: A86: Re: sequences
I started writing a sequence graphing program in math today... It's in basic,
but i'm never too good at interfaces.... I'm thinking of working on converting
to asm if this works, but i'm not sure how useful it would be, because it would
most likely only be able to draw the graph on the homescreen, and it wouldn't
allow you to trace through it. As it is right now, you run program Sequence and
it prompts you for S(n) in terms of S(n-x) and n. Then it asks you for initial
values. it would be really nice if it could be integrated into the actual
calculator though, or even if it could have a really nice menu, similar to the
stat test menus... if anyone knows how any of what i've been babbling about can
be done, please respond...
Garcia wrote:
> Its would be easiest to use a BASIC program that did the following:
> 1. used the equation in y1
> 2. asked for initial n and stoping n - or intergrate this into a key loop
> 3. Graph the value of an (a sub n) for the n value.....
> What ever,
> A.G.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kimo <>
> To: <>
> Date: Thursday, March 05, 1998 8:45 AM
> Subject: Re: A86: Re: sequences
> >
> >You programmers are funny. Everything in life can be programmed, eh? =)
> >That's your solution to everything. Exactly how would i program that?
> >
> >I have another question too. I remember awhile ago, someone posted
> >something on making the perfect window when graphing. I don't suppose you
> >could repost that. I didn't need it then, but now it would be nice to
> >know. Thanks.
> >
> >
> >At 07:28 PM 3/4/98 , you wrote:
> >--- ---
> >--- ---that's not e, but also, no the 86 doesn't graph sequences, but
> >it wouldn't be
> >--- ---too hard to make a basic program, and it MIGHT even be possible
> >to install an
> >--- ---asap to do it...?
> >--- ---
> >--- ---Garcia wrote:
> >--- ---
> >--- ---> I dont know about graphing but to see the sum as it converges
> >do:
> >--- --->
> >--- ---> sum seq((1+(1/x))^x,x,1,100)
> >--- --->
> >--- ---> which should give you approx. "e" (2.7......)
> >--- --->
> >--- ---> -----Original Message-----
> >--- ---> From: kimo <>
> >--- ---> To:
> <>
> >--- ---> Date: Tuesday, March 03, 1998 11:44 PM
> >--- ---> Subject: A86: sequences
> >--- --->
> >--- ---> >
> >--- ---> >Does anyone know if there is a function on the 86 to graph
> >sequences. I
> >--- ---> >know on the 82, it's under [mode] and you choose the option
> >[seq], i think.
> >--- ---> > I know it's under [mode] on the 82. On the 82, it gives
> >you U sub n and U
> >--- ---> >sub n-1.
> >--- ---> >
> >--- ---> >I couldn't find one on the 86 anywhere in the instruction
> >manual. All i
> >--- ---> >found is a seq( and it doesn't graph. I need it to graph
> >and i don't want
> >--- ---> >to do it in a table. Any help would help. Duh!
> >--- ---> >
> >--- ---> >
> >--- ---> >Alex
> >--- ---> >You can . . .
> >--- ---> >
> >--- ---> >Visit my TI-85/86 Webpage at:
> >--- ---> >
> >--- ---> >
> >--- ---> >Or Email me at:
> >--- ---> >
> >--- ---> >
> >--- ---> >Just don't use Microsoft Internet Explorer! Okay?
> >--- ---> >
> >--- ---
> >--- -----
> >--- ---Stephen Hicks
> >---
> >--- ---UIN:5453914
> >--- ---AIM:Kupopo1
> >--- ---
> >
> >Alex
> >You can . . .
> >
> >Visit my TI-85/86 Webpage at:
> >
> >
> >Or Email me at:
> >
> >
> >Just don't use Microsoft Internet Explorer! Okay?
> >
Stephen Hicks