Re: A86: Derive


Re: A86: Derive

Actually, much of Derive's 250-300kB is interface, graphing, etc.... - functions
that aren't necessary on the software that's being worked on.  Also, if it's as
simple as having to type sDeriv("x^2","x") and getting back "2x" on the
homescreen then it shouldn't take extremely large amounts of space...

Trey Jazz wrote:

> i dont think that ti would be discouraged to make it because they would be
> afraid the 92 wouldnt be wanted, the 92 has way more things going for it
> than just that. as for the second part that is probably why there wouldnt be
> one....but jimmy is working on one and maybe even a few more out there. i
> dont think he would start a job that would be for a lost cause because of
> memory...who was it that posted a basic program for doing that? well whoever
> it was it shows that it can and will be done in basic most likely
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicolas Hannebicque <>
> To: <>
> Date: Thursday, March 05, 1998 1:33 AM
> Subject: Re: A86: Derive
> >
> >Klukan wrote:
> >>
> >> Grams Family wrote:
> >>
> >> > >For my palmtop.  It is a DOS program and is much too large to run on
> >> > the
> >> > >86 (not that it could anyway).
> >> > >
> >> > Well, the 92 has a version of Derive built into it, so I thought maybe
> >> >
> >> > there was one for the 86.
> >> >
> >> > --Joshua
> >>
> >> Actually, it was written by the same people, but is not the same.  Why?
> >> Because DOS-based programs (even the source) is not compatible with the
> >> 92's processor.  I would have to assume Derive was written in C, while
> >> the 92's symbolic manipulation software was written in ASM or whatever
> >> the built-in software was written in.  I'm sure the 86 will have
> >> symbolic manipulation soon enough.
> >
> >I'm sure it won't. TI won't do that since the 92 has and TI still wants
> >to sell 92s. And I think nobody here is able to program such a symbolic
> >manipulation kernel (I mean for derivating and integrating, because for
> >solving equations symbolically, it might be done). I already asked to
> >some people on the net which told me it was very hard. Also I've
> >decompiled Derive for DOS, which is 250 or 300 kB (too big for the 86 :(
> >), and... ...2000 pages of code. Good luck to someone able to do that
> >work... And remember the 92 has a 512 kB or 1 MB ROM...
> >
> >~ Nicolas.
> >

Stephen Hicks
