Re: A86: More questions
Re: A86: More questions
pleaze, i already know about the "translat /?" command
what i am saying is that nothing is happening
the file holds 0 bytes after translating
that is, if it translates
for instance, if the file we wanted to convert from
a ti-82 to a ti-85 was called dumb.82p, what do
you type? If i type "translat dumb.82p *.85p" or
"translat dumb.82p dumb.85p" it reads back,
"cannot open source *.85p or dumb.85p" I cant
do anything to get it to work. I know how to program
well in all ti-basic, but i dont want to take the time to
convert it, especially 10-15 k programs. Does any
one else know how that program works, or know
what specifically i need to do to get it to worK???
Also, has anyone ever got their ti-82 ROM on their computer? I have
two ti-82's (one is my brother's) and i copied the ti-82 dumprom program
onto it. I read the .txt file and it says i need the program commo, which i
have. I need to put it in capture mode, which i can do. I have already
succeeded in getting my 86 rom on with the commo program, but when i
use it with my ti-82, nothing happens. When i run the ti-82 program, it just
reads "Done". And that's it. I tried "Send(9prgmDUMPROM" but that
is for the ti-83 and it didn't work for my ti-82. Does anyone know how to
get this to work????