re: A86: _formreal
re: A86: _formreal
; formReal - format real number for display.
; This routine converts the number in OP1 to displayable
; characters according to the current format settings.
; input: a := maximum width of output
; OP1 := real number to format
; output: OP3..OP4 := zero-terminated string of characters.
; bc := length of string.
; registers destroyed: af, de, hl, OP5, OP6.
Original text
From:, on 6/24/98 5:21 PM:
i understand basically the concept of the call _formreal
however, it seems that certain registers affect the output after _formreal is
sometimes, i get gibberish, other times the cursor column and/or row are
messed up, other times i get an error, other times it actually works (!)
anyway, a full explanation of this call would be appreciated.