Re: A86: a couple questions that have been building up...


Re: A86: a couple questions that have been building up...

On Sun, 21 Jun 1998 21:41:28 EDT writes:
>In a message dated 6/20/98 4:39:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>>         ld a,$0c
>>          ld (_asap_ind),a
>>          call _exec_pg3
>>          rst 10h ;findsym
>>          ;bde->wlstring
>>          ld a,b
>>          ld h,d
>>          ld l,e
>>          call _load_ram_ahl
>what does _load_ram_ahl do?

it loads the page that the absolute address in ahl is on and make hl
point to the right place.  ick, it converts an absolute address in ahl to
a normal address in hl
i think it's in

>how do i get the string into an OP?  (or more than one or however many 

this will copy the entire string to start at _OP1.  i would suggest using
somewhere else, though 'cause it might overflow
	ld c,(hl)
	inc hl
	ld b,(hl)
	inc hl
	ld de,_OP1

>the game i'm writing needs the user to input one letter in order to 
>make a
>i would prefer to input it with the cursor rather than _getkey, and 
>once it's
>in, i need to be able to compare the first byte with another byte.

if you only need the first byte, you might consider:
	(after _load_ram_ahl)
	inc hl
	inc hl
	ld a,(hl)
now a=the first byte of the string

>also, i tried setting the alphalock flag on before calling _exec_pg3, 
>but when
>i tried it the cursor was normal.

try setting bit 7 at (iy+$12) as well and clear it when you're done.


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