Re: A86: Re: hl to text, part 2...


Re: A86: Re: hl to text, part 2...

> It would be neat if Matt's CGI's could automatically make a header file
> based on the addresses and names people give for routines/memory
>  Would anyone else find this useful?  I'd be happy to help

Hmm.. well how it is set up, not all addresses have names etc.. Umm, but I
was thinking about setting it up differently so all the examples, homepage
and e-mail info are linked and the whole page takes up less time to load. 


[ $4A33 ] [ Displays OP1 ] [See Credits ] [ See Example]

The [ and ] represents the seperate columns in the table and the see
credits and see example would be a link to that information. The info would
be compressed and it would be easier to find rom calls. How about that? 

Other people suggested implementing a "Whats New?" type thing, but since I
did not
incorporate dates in the first place, adding them wouldnt really work too
well because
not all the rom calls could have a "Date Added" thing. The solution above
is probably
what I will do. 

Later all,