Re: A86: Math program


Re: A86: Math program

At 11:08 13-06-1998 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 6/13/98 5:37:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> I'm converting a math program I had written in Basic to ASM.
>>  It will do somethind like
>>  prompt A,B,C
>>  (-B+(sqrt)(B^2-4*A*C))/(2*A)->X
>>  (-B-(sqrt)(B^2-4*A*C))/(2*A)->X
>>  Disp X,Y
>>  -B/(2*A)->X
>>  -(B^2-4*A*C)/(4*A)->Y
>>  Disp X,Y
>>  However with some number like A=5 B=6 and C=5 I keep getting either ERROR
>>  or 02 DIV BY ZERO or I get different numbers for the X and Y
>>  Can someone take a look at it?
>>  Also, I copied a prompt routine from a triangle tester program of Elroy
>>  (
>>  and still dont understand it. 
>>  What is call _mov10b for? And (_asap_ind) ? And call _exec_pg3?
>>  Thanks
>first of all, there's this niftly little item on the ti-86 called "poly" which
>will do the quadratic formula anyway.
>_asap_ind is where you load $0d into, right before you call _exec_pg3
>this gives a prompt similar to the one on the homescreen.  the input goes into
>_mov10b is like ldir except instead of register b being the counter, it copies
>exactly 10 bytes from hl to de

Thanks for your help