display litte numbers (Re: A86: TI-86 VAT)
display litte numbers (Re: A86: TI-86 VAT)
On Fri, 12 Jun 1998 06:56:03 Joshua Grams <j3grams@earthling.net> writes:
>At 09:37 PM 6/11/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>What I really want to know now... how do I display the contents
>>of hl in decimal form at the current pen location using the tiny
>>font (I know there is a call for the 5x7 font, but thats way too
>>big) I know there has to be one somewhere... anybody found it yet?
>>Alan Bailey (sp?) wrote a routine to display hl in hex... but not
>>many people want to see that ase is 0176h bytes or whatever. I
>>wish people could have had sixteen fingers, or at least 8. Anybody
>>got an Xacto knife? :)
>Here's the code to _disp_ahl with a call to _vputs at the end
>(normally it
>falls through to _puts). This should work, though I didn't test it.
>though, I couldn't find a routine to do this in the ROM. And it should
>pretty easy to find. Oh, well.
kind long, why not use _formreal?
here's what the rom does to display coords: (well, using page $d instead)
;get the #in op1 first
ld a,$0c
call $518D
ld hl,_OP3
call _vputs
$518D does this:
set 0,(iy+$12)
call _formreal
res 0,(iy+$12)
anyone know what that flag's for?
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