A86: Re: Please accept my apologie...
A86: Re: Please accept my apologie...
> I am truly sorry for what I have done and realize that my actions
>were wrong. Please do not kick me off the list since it greatly helps
>in my knowledge for assembly. I am really sorry and hope this has not
>caused an inconvenience. You see, I needed the money to start a real
>ti-8x site to help others and me out. I have terminated my account at
>www.cyberthrill.com and wish to forget about what has happened and that
>I will never do it again. I will soon have a real site coming
>up...please forgive me. I am not on aol, I am not 10 either, I am just
>broke and needed some $$$ for support on a real site. Please forgive
If that is the truth there are easier ways to make money...i.e. Get a job,
mow lawns, wash a car, allowance.
Not putting a bunch of cheeeeeeesy banners that pay you 4 cents a day. But
Listen, and listen carefully. You dont need any money to start a web page.
No one cares if you have a $100 dollar domain name, people like us only care
about content. Haven't you heard of geocities.com, get your own free web
page? Well there you go. Also many ISP's have FTP space reserved for your
own web page. And please dont be another TICALC.ORG clone... please dont
And you obviously have not read the anti-spam policy set up by Cyberthrill.
Breach of "contract" (note the quotes), annoyance to us, a total waste of
time creating a web page that was a lie. Programmers dont put up with this