Re: A86: normal input
Re: A86: normal input
On Tue, 9 Jun 1998 15:34:25 EDT writes:
>in an asm program, how do you get a free-floating cursor that gives
>the person
>the type of flexibility given in a BASIC program? (access to custom
>list menu, math menu, etc)
>also, how can you input the data directly into op1?
there's a routine off of _exec_pg3. it gets something (number, string,
matrix, whatever) into op1, equivalent to input.
ld a,$0d
ld (_ASAP_IND),a
call _exec_pg3
this will also copy the text buffer to the screen and print _ioPrompt
first. you should probly either load a 0 or a 0-terminated string to
here. oh, and it turns on the run indicator.
>examples of this are ZReduce and ZFactor. unfortunately, ZFactor
>hasn't been released and ZReduce source has no comments in the input
>any help would be appreciated.
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