A86: 8x8 multiply routine?
A86: 8x8 multiply routine?
Anyone have a 8x8 multiply routine?
And please do not send me Rodney Zak's routine, it doesnt work... I mean it
is so
obvious why it doesnt work yet people have the nerve to put it on - here
check out this routine
;HL = L * E
ld B, 8
add HL, HL
jr nc, NoAdd
add HL, DE
djnz MultLoop
Notice how HL doubles no matter what happens. That means L = L * 8. And
whats up with the carry? Acting like the register
is inverted or something. Then I saw some other "tricks" where people had
instructions like ADC H, 0.. thats an illegal
Anyone have a really fast 8-bit by 8-bit routine THAT actually works? I
could design mine myself, but I have a feeling there may be a neat trick to
do so using shifts and adds