Re: A86: Where's my bug?


Re: A86: Where's my bug?

On Wed, 3 Jun 1998 21:20:37 -0500 "Blake Johnson" <>
>  ld (Xcounter),a
>  ld a,(Xcounter)	;2.5+(x/84), OP1=Xcounter
this isn't the problem, but this is smaller & faster (i think.  you also
load hl below, so it works)
  ld hl,Xcounter
  ld (hl),a
  ld a,(hl)

>  ld a,50
>  cp b				;if Iterations>100 goto Plot
>  call nc, Plot
this could be it: you were counting the other way before, maybe this
should be
  call c, Plot

i haven't tested that, but i think that might fix it


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