Re: A86: BG v1.0 grayscale converter is out !


Re: A86: BG v1.0 grayscale converter is out !

I have seen one in my school before - there was a clearance on it and the
guy got it for only $100 bucks.
That would be well worth it, I would probably even buy the video games for
it. But just because it is so
powerful and portable. The gameboy is cool though, because it is so small
and consumes little power;
plus it has hundreds of games for it and it has been popular (and still is)
for over 10 years now


>nomad is a 16 bit handheld genesis that will only play genesis carts
>>When I first saw those Nomad things, I thought that was cool.
>>640x480 TV display, mono sound, 32 bit processor, battery
>>power, can be used to play any SEGA Saturn games.  Obviously
>>within the realm of possibility considering today's technology,
>>just kinda cool they actually did it ... cheaply.
>>Hmm ... my spell checker changed "Sega" to "SEGA"...