Re: A86: Re: PutSprite
Re: A86: Re: PutSprite
I agree, and you also may want to add the fact that a variable spr routine
is more helpful [I mean some games are just better having larger than 8x8
sprites... and its a matter of ld a,x or b,x to fix it.. [i haven't seen
your routine.. but anyways..]
-----Original Message-----
From: Matt2000 <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, June 01, 1998 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: A86: Re: PutSprite
>>No offense, but I think he wants strictly 8x8, not a variable sized
>>routine. I am also interested in a strictly 8x8 routine, since it would
>>faster and not require storing the size with the data.
>I dont want to start a flame here, but I do want to point out a few things
>that people notice. If one day you ask for an
>8 by 8 sprite routine and the next day you comment on "how easy" it would
>to write a 3D video game come one, who
>are you fooling? Even a slow 3d game would be hard. Now I wasn't quite
>bright enough to figure out my own PutSprite, but I did learn line by line
>how both the FindPixel and PutSprite routine works and put them together to
>make my own PutSprite. Then I noticed how easy it would be to modify the 8
>by X to 16 by X sprites. I give a well commented version of a PutSprite.
>Come one you guys know how to optimize! Take out the variable and substitue
>an 8 for b in the djnz instruction. Modify the FindPixel routine so the
>Push/Pops disasseaper. Simple stuff