Re: A86: sorry again: sc2k


Re: A86: sorry again: sc2k

-----Original Message-----
From: Dux Gregis <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, June 01, 1998 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: A86: sorry again: sc2k

>Caymran wrote:
>> >Bryan Rabeler wrote:
>> >
>> >> Dux Gregis wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > > Is that an update or just the same version I got?
>> >> >
>> >> > You can update it if you want.  The only difference is that this
>> program doesn't need to be
>> >> > reinstalled all the time and can be installed from a shell.
>> >>
>> >> Can you send me the updated source?
>> 2 minor errors in your source jm and jd need to be changed to mem_cleared
>> and defaults_set or vice-versa, doesn't really matter, people should
>> Also, why won't this work?
>> check_reset_all:     ;checks if state is reset all
>>   cp $1f
>>   jr nz,check_reset_mem
>>   pop af
>>   cp $32    ;check for [f4]
>>   jr nz,skip_key
>>   ld a,0                    ;tried to decrease contrast before displaying
>> text
>>   ld ($C008),a        ;it did not work
>>   out (2),a                ;also tried pushing and popping around did not
>> work
>What did this do?  Any result?

No contrast decrease, puts text just like normal.  Does anyone have any idea
on why it does not work?  It would look alot realer with a drop in contrast
before displaying text.

Thanks for making me aware of that second contrast decrease.