A86: Re: FindPixel
A86: Re: FindPixel
>Hello !
>I'm CLEM, the french programmer who don't speak
>english :-(
>There are my 2 findpixel routines. If anyone can
>optimize it, let me know.
Dan Eble already won the Findpixel routine (and always will), remember?
Unless you use another routine posted many many months earlier and uses a
lot lot of memory (around 16k right?) but is only
around 30 something T-states
; The Eble-Yopp-Yopp-Eble-Eble-Eble-Yopp-Eble Faster FindPixel Routine
; 32-39 bytes/109 t-states not counting ret or possible push/pop of BC
; Input: D = y
; E = x
; Output: HL= address of byte in video memory
; A = bitmask (bit corresponding to pixel is set)
; C is modified
; Flags are modified
; +-----------+
; |(0,0) | <- Screen layout
; | |
; | (127,63)| Note: make sure coordinates are within bounds
; +-----------+
ld hl,FP_Bits ; HL -> bitmask table
ld a,e ; A = x coordinate
and $07 ; A = bit offset
or a,l ; add bit offset to HL (the addition to L will
ld l,a ; not carry, because the table is aligned)
ld c,(hl) ; C = bitmask (saved for later)
;36 t-states up to this point
ld h,$3F ; to understand this, draw a picture
ld a,d ; A = y coordinate (top two bits clear)
add a,a ; does not carry
add a,a ; does not carry
ld l,a
ld a,e
rra ; puts 0 into the high bit
add hl,hl ; does not carry
rra ; puts 0 into the high bit
add hl,hl ; does not carry
rra ; puts 0 into the high bit
or l
ld l,a
ld a,c ; A = bitmask (saved from above)
;109 t-states up to this point
.org (($+8) & 0FFF8h) ; align FP_Bits on the next 8-byte boundary
FP_Bits: .db $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01