Re: A86: context state
Re: A86: context state
It looks alot like the [sqrt]HOME stuff. I had it all mapped out, but I lost
the piece of paper. You should look back about a month or two and see what I
wrote about it. wrote:
> does anyone have any information on the context state stuff?
> here's what i've got:
> _cxMain is called whenever a key is sent (not for menus & special things)
> a=b=?
> c=ascii code
> _cxSizeWind is called whenever the space taken up by menus changes
> b=rows taken up
> _cxPPutAway is called before quitting
> _cxPutAway is called after _cxPPutAway
> when you call _set_context ($40ED) it loads:
> _cxMain,_cxPPutAway,_cxPutAway,_cxRedisp,_cxErrorEP,_cxSizeWind,(iy+$0d)
> from (hl)...
> and gets _cxPage from the current ram page loaded
> thanks for anything
> -josh
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