A86: Text Snap, Text Wrap, and Text Stuff
A86: Text Snap, Text Wrap, and Text Stuff
Ok, everyone has used notepad or something like it at some point. You should
have noticed that the text snaps to the next line when it over fills one
line (hard to explain, easy to see, just type stuff). Anyway, is it possible
to actually do this in asm EASILY?? And does vputs (i think thats it, the
one with pencol and penrow, and i think those are the ones) wrap to the next
full line? What i mean is does it do this:
|stuff stuff stuff stu|
|ff stuff stuff stuff s|
|tuff stuff stuff etc..|
or does it keep going like this:
|stuff stuff stuff stu|ff stuff stuff etc...
(the | lines are the edge of the ti86 screen, in the second example, the "ff
stuff stuff..." are not seen since they're off screen).
There has to be an easy way to do this or the previous (in ti86 basic,
output( does what i want the second example to do, wrap, but it doesn't snap
a whole word over, it just cuts it in half).
Alan Wong / Damnation