Re: A86: Re: GrayScale Confusion


Re: A86: Re: GrayScale Confusion

Dux Gregis wrote:
> Matt Johnson wrote:
> > Well.. I dont feel like figuring out the Putsprite but doesnt a grayscale
> > Putsprite need at least 16 bytes? You need two sprites to form a grayscale
> > sprite
> >
> > Also, 1 just means one. If you want all the bytes filled, you use $FF or
> > 255. 1 will just draw a right line, because 1 is %00000001 and it is 1
> > bit/pixel per sprite. Two sprites yields 2-bits/pixel or 4 shades.
> >
> > If people think my tutorial wasn't informative could someone give me a few
> > pointers to clarify the grayscale section? I would assume that the animated
> > gif and the commented source code was enough.. but.. maybe not. What more
> > could I add to increase its clarification? I didn't add a grayscale
> > putsprite, because you would only need two putsprites to draw a grayscale
> > sprite.
> PutSprite only puts to video memory.  You can't call PutSprite twice and expect
> the second call to put your sprite to $ca00.  I have a GrayScale PutSprite
> Routine on my web page (  I've
> never actually tested the routine, but there's no reason why it shouldn't work.

gray2.asm and grsprite.asm aren't on that page...says file not found.

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