A86: call _getky usage...
A86: call _getky usage...
Ok, i got most of this already, such as _getky saves a number to OP2 and
stuff, but then i can't make it if then else... I tried compiling the
following, but tells me the OP2's are unused data. The compiler tells me it
can't recognize OP2, but it recognizes _OP2, but its unused. I also tried ld
b,OP2 and ld b,_OP2, but it doesn't work for me. Help!
call _getky
ld a,24
cp _OP2
call z,Left
ld a,25
cp _OP2
call z,Up
ld a,26
cp _OP2
call z,Right
ld a,34
cp _OP2
call z,Down
push bc
This must be yet another of my stupid mistakes...
Alan Wong / Damnation