Re: A86: Changing Variable Type
Re: A86: Changing Variable Type
I don't think so. That'd be dangerous if the current program was using
that variable. Wouldn't that also take too long and possible have the
interrupt re-enter itself?
At 08:38 AM 7/18/98 -0700, you wrote:
>On Fri, 17 Jul 1998 18:31:37 PDT "In FuZeD" <> writes:
>>How Does ZPROG work. (The Program In Edit Engine)
>here's the source:
>_load_ram_ahl = $462f
>.org $d748
> ld hl,name-1 ;get name of var
> rst 20h
> rst 10h
> ld a,b
> ld h,d
> ld l,e
> call _load_ram_ahl
> ld a,(hl) ;copy to op1
> rst 20h
> ld (_OP1+1),a
> rst 10h ;find it
> ld a,(hl)
> cp $0c ;check for program or string
> jr z,change
> cp $12
> jr z,change
> ret
>change: xor $1e ;change type
> ld (hl),a
> ret
>name: .db 8,"PROGNAME"
>>How do you do this? I also would like to know how to get a number from
>>a external variable, change it, and put it back (inside an interrupt).
>ooh, you can't do normal vat calls in an interrupt, can you?
>>InFuZeD at Zone TI - "Making Basic Programming Worth While"
>> With A little ASM help ;)
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David Phillips
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