Re: A86: Still more problems...
Re: A86: Still more problems...
Ok, ok... i've tried everything that you guys have kindly told me, but it
doesn't work. The closest i've come to it actually working is in the asm
file attached to this, and i've also included the 86p i've compiled from the
asm. The remaining problem that i have not been able to fix (yes, just ONE
problem) is that the ship flickers up and down when you move in certain
places. Specifically, when the ship flickers, the eye will see the objects
as one, and here is what i saw. Three ships, the first is the real ship (the
one where the coords count in the program, the others are ghosts), the
second overlaps the first by 2 pixels, and the third over laps the second by
2 pixels. Asm-wise, it seems that the ship is dropping 6 pixels down every
time is loops, then it snaps back to the original position on the third
loop, and this repeats. Can someone tell me why and how to fix it?
Damnation / Alan Wong