Re: A86: Displaying Strings
Re: A86: Displaying Strings
>Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 20:02:32 EDT
>Subject: Re: A86: Displaying Strings
>im pretty new at do i get something displayed in
>like i want to have it display variable GH, or display the number
1....what is
>the syn????
Whoops. Accidently sent a unfinished email. Heres the finished.
I keep sending messages. (Dumb Hotmail!)
I'm a nobody in asm programming but I can help you.
Heres a sample of how to do that.
To Put Text In Normal Size:
#include "" ; Include our list of ram & rom calls
.org _asm_exec_ram ; Ram adress at which program stars
ld a,# ; Loads # into the 8 bit "a" register
ld (_curRow),a ; Loads # that was in "a" to the cursor row
ld a,# ; Loads # into the 8 bit "a" register
ld (_curCol),a ; Loads # that was in "a" to the cursor column
ld hl,GH ; Loads 16 bit "hl" register with the text in "GH"
call _puts ; Put String in "hl" at cursor position and
; advances the cursor
ret ; Return from program so it doesn't crash
GH: ; Label under which we load into "hl"
.db "Hello World",0 ; Defines the byte in which string is stored
.end ; Define end of program
To put the text in small size replace:
(_curRow) with (_penRow)
(_curCol) with (_penCol)
_puts with _vputs
Note: This uses pixel #s unlike above with 8 rows and 21 columns
-InFuZeD at Zone TI "Making Basic Programming Worth While"
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