Re: A86: TI-86 interrupts, Part 2


Re: A86: TI-86 interrupts, Part 2 wrote:

> > I don't mean to be an ass, but if _getkey is an interrupt, what isn't?  You
> > call it when you want to, not when the CPU wants to.
> _Getkey is actually running all the time.  When you call _getkey, it just
> gives you what it has.  If _getkey were not running all the time, it would not
> be able to grab keypresses except when you called it (and that could
> cost you the quick keypresses, even in keyloops).  As an interrupt, it's
> able to give you the last key pressed, regardless of how long ago that
> was, upon your request.

Sorry pal, the interrupt (the real one at 38h) loads the keypresses to RAM, the
call, _getkey, returns that keypress along with doing these other things: load and
run [sqrt]KEY if the appropriate flags are set, shut off the calc if the APD timer
is run out (APD timer / sub timer is decremented every interrupt), reset the APD
timer after a keypress, blink the cursor if _curTime is 0 (_curTime is decremented
once every interrupt and the cursor toggles once every 70 interrupts), control
cursor / flags for 2nd and alpha key presses, adjust the contrast if up or down is
pressed while the 2nd shift falg is set, read from the linkport and return a
linkport value in a, load / send variables / send free memory if on the home
screen and then force out (_jforce) once successful.

You can see how _getkey depends on the interrupt, but still, none of this will
happen unless _getkey is called.  Even if the APD timers time out, the calc will
not shut off unless you call _getkey.  If the interrupts are disabled, the calc
will not shut off when you call _getkey because the timers haven't been

But let me stress this: the link port is not checked unless _getkey is called
explicity (in your code).
You have complete control as an asm programmer; nothing is running that you didn't
tell to run.

Try this: run a program that infintely loops around _getkey; when you plug in a
link and upload a variable, it will force out after loading the variable or after
reading the free memory.  Try it again on a program where _getkey isn't called but
where the interrupts are still running.  Result: error message telling you to put
the calc on the home screen.

A final necessary (though eshful) comment:
This is a ridiculuous thread.  If nothing else, I hope you have learned a little
about how the calc works.  Next time (again, I don't mean to sound like an asshole
:-), try doing a little disassembly rather than guesswork.
