A86: The Strangest Problem...
A86: The Strangest Problem...
OK, I wrote this program a long time ago, and it didn't work. Yesterday, I had
Stephen Hicks look at it and he told me what I did wrong, which was, a lot.
After about 2 hours of fixing the program, I finally was able to assemble it
again. I loaded it into my 86 emulator (if I load it on my calculator, I have
to restart the calculator and I can't use the mouse) and it crashed. No matter
what I do to the program, whenever it reaches the first _puts, it crashes. I
am using Assembly Studio 2.0 and I haven't modified any of the include files.
Here is the code, please help me! Thanks!
#include "ti86asm.inc"
#include "asm86.h"
.org _asm_exec_ram
; jp Start
; .dw $0000
; .dw Title
; .db "Mogsoft Adventure",0
call ClearScn
ld hl,S0
call _puts ;PROBLEM LINE!!! EVIL! EVIL!
ld hl,S1
call Line2
ld hl,S2
call Line3
call Press_Enter_R
jp Area1
call _clrLCD
ld hl,$0000
ld (_curRow),hl
call _getkey
cp kEnter
jp nz,Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S3
call _puts
ld hl,S4
jp Line2
ld hl,S5
jp Line3
call _puts
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area2
cp kF2
jp z,Area3
jp A1
ld de,$0001
ld (_curRow),de
call _puts
ld de,$0002
ld (_curRow),de
call _puts
ld de,$0003
ld (_curRow),de
call _puts
ld de,$0004
ld (_curRow),de
call _puts
ld de,$0005
ld (_curRow),de
call _puts
ld de,$0006
ld (_curRow),de
call _puts
ld de,$0007
ld (_curRow),de
call _puts
call ClearScn
ld hl,S6
call _puts
ld hl,S7
jp Line2
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area4
cp kF2
jp z,Area5
jp A2
call ClearScn
ld hl,S8
call _puts
ld hl,S9
call Line2
ld hl,S10
call Line3
ld hl,S11
call Line4
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area6
cp kF2
jp z,Area7
jp A4
call ClearScn
ld hl,S12
call _puts
ld hl,S13
call Line2
ld hl,S14
call Line3
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area8
cp kF2
jp z,Area9
jp A6
call ClearScn
ld hl,S15
call _puts
ld hl,S16
call Line2
ld hl,S17
call Line3
ld hl,S18
call Line4
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line5
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S19
call _puts
ld hl,S20
call Line2
ld hl,S21
call Line3
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area10
cp kF2
jp z,Area11
jp A9
call ClearScn
ld hl,S22
call _puts
ld hl,S23
call Line2
ld hl,S24
call Line3
ld hl,S25
call Line4
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line5
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S26
call _puts
ld hl,S27
call Line2
ld hl,S28
call Line3
ld hl,S29
call Line4
ld hl,S30
call Line5
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line6
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S31
call _puts
ld hl,S32
call Line2
ld hl,S33
call Line3
ld hl, S34
call Line4
ld hl,S35
call Line5
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line6
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S36
call _puts
ld hl,S37
call Line2
ld hl,S38
call Line3
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area12
cp kF2
jp z,Area13
jp A7
call ClearScn
ld hl,S39
call _puts
ld hl,S40
call Line2
ld hl,S41
call Line3
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line4
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S42
call _puts
ld hl,S43
call Line2
ld hl,S44
call Line3
ld hl,S45
call Line4
ld hl,S46
call Line5
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line6
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,47
call _puts
ld hl,48
call Line2
ld hl,49
call Line3
ld hl,50
call Line4
ld hl,51
call Line5
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area14
cp kF2
jp z,Area15
jp A3
call ClearScn
ld hl,S52
call _puts
ld hl,S53
call Line2
ld hl,S54
call Line3
ld hl,S55
call Line4
ld hl,S56
call Line5
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area16
cp kF2
jp z,Area17
jp A14
call ClearScn
ld hl,S57
call _puts
ld hl,S58
call Line2
ld hl,S59
call Line3
ld hl,S60
call Line4
ld hl,S61
call Line5
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area18
cp kF2
jp z,Area19
jp A16
call ClearScn
ld hl,S62
call _puts
ld hl,S63
call Line2
ld hl,S64
call Line3
ld hl,S65
call Line4
ld hl,S66
call Line5
ld hl,S67
call Line6
ld hl,S68
call Line7
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line8
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S69
call _puts
ld hl,S70
call Line2
ld hl,S71
call Line3
ld hl,S72
call Line4
ld hl,S73
call Line6
ld hl,S74
call Line7
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line8
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S75
call _puts
ld hl,S76
call Line2
ld hl,S77
call Line3
ld hl,S78
call Line4
ld hl,S79
call Line5
ld hl,S80
call Line6
ld hl,S81
call Line7
ld hl,S82
call Line8
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S83
call _puts
ld hl,S84
call Line2
ld hl,S85
call Line3
ld hl,S86
call Line4
ld hl,S87
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area20
cp kF2
jp z,Area21
jp A17
call ClearScn
ld hl,S88
call _puts
ld hl,S89
call Line2
ld hl,S90
call Line3
ld hl,S91
call Line4
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line5
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S92
call _puts
ld hl,S93
call Line2
ld hl,S94
call Line3
ld hl,S95
call Line4
ld hl,S96
call Line5
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line6
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S97
call _puts
ld hl,S98
call Line2
ld hl,S99
call Line3
ld hl,S100
call Line4
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area22
cp kF2
jp z,Area23
jp A5
call ClearScn
ld hl,S101
call _puts
ld hl,S102
call Line2
ld hl,S103
call Line3
ld hl,S104
call Line4
ld hl,S105
call Line5
ld hl,S106
call Line6
call _getkey
cp kF1
jp z,Area24
cp kF2
jp z,Area25
jp A22
call ClearScn
ld hl,S107
call _puts
ld hl,S108
call Line2
ld hl,S109
call Line3
ld hl,S110
call Line4
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line5
call Press_Enter_R
jp Area9
call ClearScn
ld hl,S111
call _puts
ld hl,S112
call Line2
ld hl,S113
call Line3
ld hl,S114
call Line4
ld hl,S115
call Line5
ld hl,S116
call Line6
ld hl,S117
call Line7
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line8
call Press_Enter_R
call ClearScn
ld hl,S119
call _puts
ld hl,S120
call Line2
ld hl,S121
call Line3
ld hl,S122
call Line4
ld hl,S123
call Line5
ld hl,Press_Enter
call Line6
call Press_Enter_R
Press_Enter: .db "<Press ENTER>",0
S0: .db " Mogsoft Adventure ",0
S1: .db "Press F1 for YES and ",0
S2: .db "F2 for NO.",0
S3: .db "You are standing in a",0
S4: .db "forest. Press F1 for ",0
S5: .db "left, F2 for right. ",0
S6: .db "You come across a ",0
S7: .db "sewer gate. Enter it?",0
S8: .db "It is dark and damp ",0
S9: .db "down here. Press F1 ",0
S10: .db "for left, F2 for ",0
S11: .db "right.",0
S12: .db "You see a sewer gate ",0
S13: .db "ahead. Exit the ",0
S14: .db "sewer?",0
S15: .db "You go outside only ",0
S16: .db "to be met by a rabid ",0
S17: .db "bobcat. You go crazy ",0
S18: .db "and die. THE END.",0
S19: .db "You see a giant ",0
S20: .db "treasure box. Open ",0
S21: .db "it?",0
S22: .db "The treasure box is ",0
S23: .db "rigged! You die ",0
S24: .db "spread all over the ",0
S25: .db "sewer. THE END.",0
S26: .db "You start to walk ",0
S27: .db "away, but are stopped",0
S28: .db "by a figure. It makes",0
S29: .db "the treasure box ",0
S30: .db "disappear.",0
S31: .db "A new, larger box ",0
S32: .db "appears in the other ",0
S33: .db "box's place. You open",0
S34: .db "it and find untold ",0
S35: .db "riches! THE END.",0
S36: .db "You see a huge rat ",0
S37: .db "hoarding treasure. ",0
S38: .db "fight it?",0
S39: .db "The rat bites you and",0
S40: .db "claws you to death. ",0
S41: .db " THE END ",0
S42: .db "The rat, greatful ",0
S43: .db "that you did not harm",0
S44: .db "him, shows you out of",0
S45: .db "the sewer and you go ",0
S46: .db "home. THE END.",0
S47: .db "There is an abandoned",0
S48: .db "building and a hermit",0
S49: .db "shack. ",0
S50: .db "F1-Building ",0
S51: .db "F2-Shack",0
S52: .db "Do you want to go in ",0
S53: .db "to the rear room or ",0
S54: .db "the bottom floor? ",0
S55: .db "F1-Rear ",0
S56: .db "F2-Floor",0
S57: .db "You are inside a ",0
S58: .db "spooky kitchen. Which",0
S59: .db "drawer do you want to",0
S60: .db "open? F1 for left and",0
S61: .db "F2 for right.",0
S62: .db "Sharp knives leap out",0
S63: .db "of the drawer and ",0
S64: .db "attack you! Your ",0
S65: .db "bloody body is found ",0
S66: .db "by another adventurer",0
S67: .db "in another game.",0
S68: .db " THE END ",0
S69: .db "You find a magical ",0
S70: .db "ring inside the ",0
S71: .db "drawer. You put it on",0
S72: .db "and you are magically",0
S73: .db "transported home! ",0
S74: .db " THE END ",0
S75: .db "The old hermit in the",0
S76: .db "the shack is very ",0
S77: .db "greatful to see you, ",0
S78: .db "as he has not seen ",0
S79: .db "anyone in a long ",0
S80: .db "time! You stay there ",0
S81: .db "and learn the ways of",0
S82: .db "the hermit. THE END.",0
S83: .db "It sure is dark and ",0
S84: .db "damp down here. You ",0
S85: .db "go down the stairs. ",0
S86: .db "F1 for left and F2 ",0
S87: .db "for right.",0
S88: .db "OOPS! You tripped and",0
S89: .db "fell into the furnace",0
S90: .db "and you die a fiery ",0
S91: .db "death. THE END.",0
S92: .db "You find a friendly ",0
S93: .db "phantasm who shows ",0
S94: .db "you the way home. You",0
S95: .db "live happily ever ",0
S96: .db "after!",0
S97: .db "The path splits ",0
S98: .db "again. Press F1 for ",0
S99: .db "left and F2 for ",0
S100: .db "right.",0
S101: .db "You come across a ",0
S102: .db "large toad. He asks ",0
S103: .db "that you take a huge ",0
S104: .db "log up the road. It ",0
S105: .db "looks awfully heavy! ",0
S106: .db "Do it?",0
S107: .db "The toad, greatful ",0
S108: .db "for your deed, warps ",0
S109: .db "you to a special ",0
S110: .db "place. Hang on!",0
S111: .db "Oh no! The toad, who ",0
S112: .db "is really a wizard, ",0
S113: .db "turns you into a frog",0
S114: .db "for all time! You ",0
S115: .db "must get a princess ",0
S116: .db "to kiss you to escape",0
S117: .db "your fate.",0
S118: .db "Oh, no! A very bad ",0
S119: .db "person has left a ",0
S120: .db "trap in the ground! ",0
S121: .db "Various wild animals ",0
S122: .db "eat your guts out. ",0
S123: .db "Ouch. THE END.",0