Re: A86: _ioprompt


Re: A86: _ioprompt

On Mon, 6 Jul 1998 15:50:34 EDT writes:
>How do I copy a string (X1? ) to _ioprompt?  I just can't figure it 
>Please include the hex codes in the reply.  BTW, Josh, what is ldir?

are you trying to copy from a string in the program or in a variable?

ldir mean "load, increment, and repeat"
it copies bc bytes from (hl) to (de)
from z80iss.txt:
|LDI         |(DE):=(HL);         |..*.00| 2 |16 |PV=0 if BC=0,else PV=1|
|            |inc DE,HL;dec BC    |      |   |   |                      |
|LDIR        |Repeat LDI          |..0.00| 2 |21 |                      |
|            | until Z=1 or BC=0  |      |   |16 |                      |

i got a "z80time.txt" file somewhere that includes the hex codes, there's
another one that also has undocumented instructions.

>										Stephen


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