Re: A86: Strings and Asm Prgms


Re: A86: Strings and Asm Prgms

On Thu, 2 Jul 1998 12:18:15 -0400 "Roy Wong" <> writes:
>is, how do I make my asm program read a string? I'm sure that most

to read a string:

	ld hl,name_of_string-1
	rst 20h			;move 10 to op1
	rst 10h			;findsym
	ld a,b
	ld h,d
	ld l,e
	call _load_ram_ahl	;$462F
now (hl)=
.dw length of string
.db string

if you have to use absolute addresses: (probly a good idea)
(instead of _load_ram_ahl)
	call _get_word_ahl	;$521D
	push de
	call _SET_ABS_SRC_ADDR	;$4647
	ld e,l
	ld d,h
	xor a
	call _SET_MM_NUM_BYTES	;$464F
	ld hl,where_i_want_my_string
	call _SET_ABS_DEST_ADDR	;$5285
	call _mm_ldir		;$52ED
	pop de
now it's in where_i_want_my_string and de=length

remeber to have this someplace, too:
	.db 5,"abcde"
that's the length of the name followed by the name itself.


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