Re: A86: base 10 display of hex


Re: A86: base 10 display of hex

On Wed, 01 Jul 1998 16:31:49 -0600 Kirk Meyer <> writes:
>actually, if X is HLIX, it performs X=(2X-1) 32 times and then does 
>10 on H. This is how TI did it in their ROM routine (except it doesn't
>display numbers larger than $09FFFF). i think i see how it works... it
>is kind of hard to explain.

oh, i see, it does mod 10 each time.

i can't think of any really good things to do, but you could ld c,$0a and
use cp c and sub c.  that would save 6 clocks each time through.   oh,
you could also use jp instead of jr.


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