A86: Re: User Interupt routine size
A86: Re: User Interupt routine size
Well, yes but that would slow the calc to a crawl. I doubt I would need
anything that big to run 200 times a sec, that would only go
conditionally. Another problem, what if the user deletes the program
while the interupt is still running? I might need to check that the prog
still exists then, and have the interrupt remove itself if it dosen't (Is
it possible for and interrupt to change interrupt modes, effectivley
killing itself?). Another question, If I want a sort of "hotkey" effect
like this to run a program, do I need to disable the interupt, to prevent
it from running on top of itself, and if not, will I still be able to
read in keypresses, linkport, etc.?
>You could probably tell it to run a program so that way you could have
>more space
>> yes, you have $C8 bytes which is 200 bytes.
>> |Does anyone know exactly how much RAM is available for the
>> |routine at _user_int_ram ($d2fd)?
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