Re: A86: rom speed--PROVEN!!!


Re: A86: rom speed--PROVEN!!!

> I have gone through a test and the batteries do NOT affect speed and the
> Version 1.3 ROM is indeed about 16 percent faster that version 1.2

I tested this an hour ago and got almost the EXACT OPPOSITE results.
An 86 1.2 with about 1k free and good batts graphed several com-
plicated graphs about 20% faster than a 1.3 with 25k free and lower

Conclusions: Free mem has little to do with graphing speed.
Battery life is a VERY STRONG factor in the speed of the calculator.
ROM 1.2 and 1.3 graph at very close (if not exactly) the same
speed under the same conditions.

I used these graphs (3 seperate tests):
y1=ln sin x
y1=der2(1/6*A^3,A,x)  (just a vrry complicated form of y1=x)