A86: dis assembler
A86: dis assembler
Over the last few days I've been working on a Disassembler for .86p
programs. So far i have succefully Disassmebled/Reassembled Frogger,
along with a lot of other programs I've made. it traces all the
JP,JR,CALL functions to MAP Data and Instructions, however it's nearly
impossible to trace JP (HL), JP (ix), and JP(IY), but you can do that by
hand. I'm not sure how useful this program will be since everyone
(almost) distributes their source along with their programs, but It was
fun to do. It uses the TASM80.TAB file for the information, and soon
will use and HEADER and INC files for EQU statements to make the
dissasembled code look less archaic.
Trent Lillehaugen
Computer Engineering Major
California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo