Re: A86: AShell Enhanced 1.2 Released
Re: A86: AShell Enhanced 1.2 Released
In a message dated 98-01-20 01:48:26 EST, you write:
<< started over again.. yeah it's fine now.. :0
but hmm hey could you PASSWORD PROTECT THE "MORE" ?!?!? cuz it's
pretty USE LESS if i give it to my friend and he's pressing more and
deleting stuff..>>
Don't give it to your friend. l wouldn't want to enter a password everytime l
press a button..
<< OH how bout a PASSWORD PROTECT EXIT ASE?? (like you
can't exit ASE without a password)?!?!?>>
That would just mean that they get to play games all the time.
<<another thing.. the renaming is fine.. but the old way (editing ASHELL)
i like better
i don't think the DELETE function in ASE.. does any good.. i'm sure
ANYONE who bought the damn calculator knows how to DELETE a
It makes things a little bit easier, maybe. who cares?
<< you stil lhaven't fixed this one bug.. you know you press the ARROW
KEYS to pick your programs?!?! well ANY other buttons (except the enter,
2nd, more etc..) causes the CURSOR to go BACK one program.. what's up
with that?? :)>>
Maybe it's not a bug. l've made a couple of Basic programs that use reverse
testing logic (like instead of checking if it's equal to something, check if
it's not equal to a value and jump somewhere if it's not. otherwise continue
on, which in this case might make the cursor go upwards). Besides, it saves
some space if that is what it is doing.