A86: Re: Pointers in the 86 Assembler.
A86: Re: Pointers in the 86 Assembler.
A pointer is basically just a value, but the value is a memory address. For
example you could store $8000 in hl, and use it just like any numbers but if
you did this:
ld a,(hl)
you just loaded the contents of $8000 to the accumalator. This is used for
putting strings to the screen, where you point hl to beginning of string
(i.e. the label)...
Check the zshell school for more info
Andres Garcia
-----Original Message-----
From: Crazy Bob <cyberbob@a-zuc.com>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Tuesday, January 06, 1998 9:42 PM
Subject: A86: Pointers in the 86 Assembler.
>Can someone please give me a quick explanation of assembly pointers or
>even point me towards a good reference. Are pointers possible on the