Re: A86: im 2
Re: A86: im 2
>I would like to thank Jimmy Merdell for his information about interupts.
Is this information located on a web page of some sort? I would be
in seeing it too
>Also, what is the difference between RET($C9), RETI ($ED$4D), and RETN
>($ED$45)? I'm confused I just thought that, ret was roughly equivalent
>to : POP PC.
This is from 'Mastering Machine Code On Your ZX 81' - another z-80 based
RET - RET is used to return from a subroutine. It works by popping an
from the top of the stack, and then jumping to that address.
RETI - Used to end an interrupt subroutine. Its function is the same as
but RETI must be used instead of RET because the chip does clever things
you get a second interrupt in the middle of the interrupt subroutine! As
as an interrupt subroutine is called a DI instruction is automatically
but there are such things as non-maskable interrupts, that is almighty
powered interrupts that override even DI, these can cause confusion if
you don't
use RETI.
RETN - Used to end a non-maskable interrupt subroutine. Its function is
same as RETI except that the Interrupt Mode (which was altered by the
interrupt in the first place) is also restored to its previous value.
>And what exactly is the databus, is it a pin on the pinout
>of the Z80.
actually, it's 8 pins on the z80. it's where all of the data gets passed
between the z80, memory, and the i/o ports (someone correct me if i am
>Also this is stupid but, when the z80 gets power, i.e.
>boots where does the PC point (I mean when batteries are first put it
>not when the ON button is pressed, because doesn't the calc just
>susppened itself and wait for the ON interupt when you turn it off?)?
the pc is initialized to 0000. The code at 0000 in ROM page 0 is the
that is executed when the calc first gets power.
>Thank you for all your help, even though I may sould like an idiot.
> -Gen_Witt
Hope this helped
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