Re: A86: Shell Name
Re: A86: Shell Name
Muhammed Galadima wrote:
> What is the shell's interface going to look like and what features
> will
> it have?
It will look a lot like Rascall. A friend of mine suggested that I
create pull-down menus, and I have considered it. The original design
specs indicated that it would have multiple interfaces, like Usgard. It
will have the standard grouped program menu, a Filer (file manager
util), minimal help function, and an easy-to-use setup feature with
everything in a convenient menu so you don't have to memorize what keys
do what (ie: p = password, etc.). This shell will eventually emulate
the TI-85 (like the other two ASM shells), and possibly the 82 and 83.
It will show both BASIC and ASM programs in its menu and have optional
program writeback. I was also considering icons that would be displayed
in the description bar. Any ideas?
> That could help pick a good name for instance MS chose windows because
> that's how it looked and DOS for it's function -- running disks, and
> ZShell cause it's a shell for a Z80... you get the idea
> Muhammed