Re: A86: APD
Re: A86: APD
why bother with the flags? id rather save a lil space then save a split
second in a shut down process that accomplishes the same thing...o well both
values as in time and mem are so small an amount it doesnt really mean that
>or just do:
> res onRunning,(IY+onFlags)
> res onInterrupt,(IY+onFlags)
>label: jr label
>That's what the routine at 0C29 does anyway (plus a checksum of an entire
>ram page and a bunch of other stuff). But 0C29 is for the timeout shutdown,
>when it needs to save the calc state. If you're in an assembly program,
>saving the calc state doesn't do anything, so you can just use the code
>above (and it will turn off quicker). I'm not quite sure those flags are
>right...check the archives for when this came up before...
>But about picking it up when it comes back on...
>When the calc comes on, it's because you pressed the on button, so it's an
>interrupt, it ignores the return address. So the only way to get it to
>return to your program, AFAIK, is to use the user on routine. It's just
>like the interrupt area, only at a different address, and with a different
>flag bit. I believe it's on my web page.