Re: A86: difference between .db and .dw


Re: A86: difference between .db and .dw


.db <expr> [, <expr> ...]

This directive inserts data bytes into the program. Numeric and character
constants enclosed in single quotes may be used. Multiple bytes may be
inserted by separating with commas, or (for printable strings) by enclosing in
double quotes. In strings, the standard escape sequences are supported.

.byte is an alternate form of .db and is identical in function.


Data1:	.db $FF
	.db 'T','I','8','6',0
	.byte 'a', 64 – 12, %10010110

	; string with terminating null
String1:	.db "Assembly Studio 86",0

	; two lines
String2:	.db "Hello",13
	.db "World",0

.dw <expr> [, <expr> ...]

This directive inserts data words into the program. Each argument is inserted
as a 2 byte word. Multiple words can be inserted by separating with commas.

The least significant byte of <expr> is put at the current location, and the
most significant byte at the next sequential location.

.word is an alternate form of .db and is identical in funtion.


Data1:	.dw $1234
	.dw ('x' - 'a')  << 2
	.word 12, 55, 32
from assembly studio 86 help file