A86: Re: Some more confusion


A86: Re: Some more confusion

whoops on that last post nm about the ret z....didnt see the cp right before it, but take off the clrLCD in the loop and replace it with some lines that reset the cursor
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Lippmann <kifyre@megsinet.net>
To: asm86 <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Sunday, February 08, 1998 6:30 PM
Subject: A86: Some more confusion

This simple bit of code is designed to display the contents of "a" (received from the GET_KEY call) at the top of the screen. Since it's going so fast, you should only see a byte when you're holding down a key. I'm not getting anything. Can someone see the problem?
#include "ti86asm.inc"
#include "asm86.h"
.org _asm_exec_ram
 ld hl,$FC00
 call _clrLCD
 call _clrLCD
 call GET_KEY
 cp $37
 ret z
 ld (hl),a
 jp loop
Mark L.