Re: A86: Assembly Studio 86
Re: A86: Assembly Studio 86
>Taking Trent Lillehaugen's Key Input example & altering it so that the
>program does not exit until EXIT is pressed, I found that it looped
>endlessly if compiled in Assembly Studio but worked fine with
>winasm86. - It appears that the "cp" instruction always sets the zero
>bit. - either that or "jp z,..." doesn't test the zero bit properly.
I found the bug that is causing this and fixed it. The parser can't handle
equates where the value follows the equals sign with no space in between,
such as the ones defining the keys in the asm86.h file.
For now, to work around this, put a space after the equals sign for every
>be able to pass a file to it as an argument (eg. double-click a file
>to load it).
You can do this.
>BTW. I don't suppose that there is a way to send an argument to
Don't know quite what you mean.