Re: A86: Asm newbie question Part 2


Re: A86: Asm newbie question Part 2

Ok, if you have a number that you just POPed into BC, and you want to
display it, then you want to move the value in BC into HL, and zero out A so
that AHL is equal to what BC was.  AHL is a 24-bit register pair (somewhat
makeshift - the CPU does not directly support it).  In plain assembly, you
want to do the following:

 ld l,c     ;copy the lower byte of BC into HL
 ld h,b    ;copy the upper byte of BC into HL
 xor a     ;zero out A.  I'm a little rusty at asm, and not sure if this one
is exactly correct...
 call $4a33   ;display AHL

Matt Gabbert wrote:

> Robby Gutmann wrote:
> > you can't do "ld hl,bc"  you have to do "ex de,hl"  (or maybe switch
> > the order, not sure).  this command exchanges the values in hl and de.
> I tried this:  (just the end of a section of code)
>         ld a,5
>         ld (_curRow),a
>         ld a,5
>         ld (_curCol),a
>         ld de,300
>         ex de,hl
>         call _getkey
> but nothing appears...
> I tried:
> load h into a, l into h, 0 into l and call $4a33
> (or at least what i could figure what this means) but then i got
> something like:
> 5033:
> where I wanted 300 to be displayed.
> ALSO, i'd appreciate it if you would write out the code as I would enter
> it instead of me trying to guess what some of it means, and tell me what
> calls like $4a33  are (I couldnt find it in
> Matt

Stephen Hicks
