Re: A86: Good place for a highscore ?
Re: A86: Good place for a highscore ?
rst $20 = _10toop1
move 10 bytes from (hl) to (_op1)
rst $10 = _findsym
find var in op1
see ti's info on variables for more info
used together:
ld hl,(varname-1)
rst $20
rst $10
;carry is set if "beep" doesn't exist
;otherwise, bde points to the var data
varname: .db 4,"beep"
;4=length of name
On Wed, 30 Dec 1998 19:23:28 +0100 "Thomas Bladh" <>
>I was wondering the same so i checked
>them out in a list of rom calls.
>$46C3 = CONV_ADDR something to do with absolute adressing ?
>$4637 = _inc_ptr_ahl something to do with absolute adressing ?
>Someone have a real explanation ?
>I was also wondering what the "rst $20" and
>rst "$10" instructions do ?
>>Out of curiosity, what do these statements do?
>>>> call $46c3
>>>> call $4637
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