Re: A86: Good place for a highscore ?
Re: A86: Good place for a highscore ?
It worked, Thank you..
/ Thomas Bladh (
>A good way to save highscores is using this routine by Jimmy Mardell just before your program exits. I hope this helps.
> ld hl,ProgName
> rst 20h
> rst 10h
> ex de,hl
> ld a,b
> ld de,HIGHSCORE-$D748+4
> add hl,de
> adc a,0
> ld b,2 ;load into b # of bytes HIGHSCORE is
> push af
> push hl
> call $46c3
> ld a,(de)
> ld (hl),a
> pop hl
> pop af
> call $4637
> inc de
> djnz RepCopy
>;GAME is case-sensitive name of program as recognized
>;by calc, the 4 is amount of letters in name of
> .db $12,4,"GAME"
> .db 0,0