If you want to try it, here's the link to the author's
download page: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/1143/ti86cc.html
Give it a try, and if you feel as I do that its good,
but needs more functions, go to www.globalfrontiers.com/Ramen/smallc.htm
where I am compiling a list of functions that people think would be good
to have. Also, there is an email discussion list that you can sign up for
at 86smallc.listbot.com
Chris Brainerd
Matthew R Price wrote:
>In a message dated 12/28/98 6:49:22 AM Pacific Standard Time,
>Ramen@globalfrontiers.com writes:
>> > What is 86 Small-C?
>> > -AAmeise@aol.com
>> 86Small C is a compiler by Chris Dannemiller that compiles for Z80
>> processors,
>> he also made several 86 specific files that do things like draw
>> pixels,
>> display text etc.Is this a cross-complier (if so, what OS) or does it run directly on the
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