Re: A86: SQRXZ HELP!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Re: A86: SQRXZ HELP!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
why do you need to? the 86 can recieve 85 strings.
if you really have to, you can rename it to .86s and open with a hex
editor and change the **TI-85** or whatever to 86. dos edit will work
for this if you use the "open as binary" check box
On Sun, 20 Dec 1998 17:14:15 EST writes:
>Help me!?!?
>I know how to make levels with ¿Jimmy Mardels? level editor.
>Then it saves them as a bin file
>Then you use BIN2STR and it makes it into progname.85s
>How do you make it into a 86 string?
>Please write full steps
>bin2str name.bin name2
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