A86: Re: RE: Usgard to TI-86 conversion....
A86: Re: RE: Usgard to TI-86 conversion....
you can use all of RAM page 1 (~16k)
page 1 is swapped between $8000 and $bfff everytime an asm program is loaded
>Well, I'm porting an awesome game (can't tell you what yet, in case I don't
>finish it) to the TI-86. I've not started to port it yet, but I would like
>to know if there's an space like TEMP_STORAGE on the TI-86? If not, where
>can I find a similar storage location?
>TEMP_STORAGE =$827C ; 128 bytes temporary storage
>Stuntman (Nathan Haines) - ICQ UIN#: 2157863
>QuickBASIC/Visual BASIC/TI-BASIC programmer (just your basic programmer)
>President of Stuntworks - http://www.jps.net/stuntman/