A86: Please, a quick help
A86: Please, a quick help
Tragically, my 86 has been stolen. I watch that thing like a hawk, but I guess
I let my guard down for a second too long. I've been all over the school
looking for it- but to no avail. I've pretty much pronounced it gone.
All I ask of you guys- if you know of anyone who is selling their old 86-
especially a very used (yet all the important stuff- working screen, all keys
work, linkport works) scratched up one, so long as I can do math, play games,
and program it. I have a manual; I don't need another one, nor do I need a
link cable.
I just need an 86. If you or someone you know is selling one, I'm interested.
I don't need one in super condition, just so long as it works.
Thank you, and Merry Chirstmas (or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate)!