Re: A86: More Using Table
Re: A86: More Using Table
I agree, I spent a while trying to figure that out too. If there was a
checklist like that, it would really help us newbies, since these are probably
the most common and easily fixed types of mistakes. Any experienced
programmer out there who wouldn't mind spending a little time on something
like that would be doing all of us a favor.
In a message dated 12/16/98 9:54:38 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
<< Hey now, Electrum! I took a lot of time to try and find that same error the
first time I did it, but I couldn't figure out the problem to save my life. I
was pulling my hair out! It's part of learning how to program, and sometimes
this will happen. Is it simple? Yeah. Is it easily forgotton? Definately.
That's why I suggest a checklist- and I'd make it myself if I felt that I
enough to do it. >>