Re: A86: Re: Zilog's Docs
Re: A86: Re: Zilog's Docs
I requested documentation from the web site about a month ago, and they
replied that they were out of stock, and not expecting any in for a while
On Wed, 16 Dec 1998 12:49:30 -0800 "Dave" <>
>Yeah i have the data book and the user manual for the z80 family, the
>way i
>got mine was i called a local reseller of the zilog stuff.
> is
>the web site... although i did not get the books through the site so i
>not sure of what you will get from them.
>assembly coders zenith member
>ICQ #16817590
>-----Original Message-----
>From: <>
>To: <>
>Date: Tuesday, December 15, 1998 10:39 PM
>Subject: A86: Zilog's Docs
>>Anyone know where on zilog's site there's the orderform or whatever
>for the
>>Z80 docs? I can't find 'em anywhere! (If ya know where Motorola's
>>tell me that too. :)
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