Re: A86: OPS
Re: A86: OPS
ops are just bits of memory, you can't load them like an ordinary
register. fortunately, there are tons of rom calls to do this for you
most of the calls involving ops have fairly self-explanitory names, look
through your you might want to look through the other .inc
files, too. also, try
call _setxxop1 will load a to op1
i'm sure there's gotta be a good tutorial on this. (or at least there
should be!)
On Tue, 15 Dec 1998 23:27:48 EST writes:
>I seriously don't understand the whole OP1, OP2...OP6 thing... I
>loading a value into OP1 (ld OP1,a) and it just doesn't work -- so
>someone mind telling me how to use the OP1 etc. I also haven't gotten
>help from the Assembly Studio Help File or from Tutorials... maybe I
>missed something.
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